Category: HHQRP

by Elaine Gardner, MS, RN, COS-C, CPHQ, CHPN Tracking your ...

by Amy Mayer-Barger RN, BS, COS-C What are the Transfer ...

by Lori Marmon PT, MBA, COS-C Why the Home Health ...

by Elaine Gardner, MS, RN, COS-C, CPHQ, CHPN Overview of ...

by Kerry Termine, DPT, HCS-D, COS-C The Home Health (HH) ...

An overview of CMS’s Provider Data Catalog website and how ...

by Marian Essey, RN, BSN, COS-C The terms “Care Compare” ...

by Elaine Gardner, MS, RN, COS-C Use your HHA’s Interim ...