HHVBP Model April 2024 IPR Now Available

by Kerry Termine, DPT, HCS-D, COS-C

What to expect on your April 2024 IPR

The next quarterly HHVBP Model IPR for April 2024 is now available. As a reminder, these reports are used to provide feedback to agencies about their quality measure performance. This report provides agencies with an opportunity to assess and track performance relative to peers in their respective cohort.

Agencies can expect to see additional data for their first performance year (CY 2023) and the year upon which the adjusted payment percentage will be based for payment year CY 2025.

Each quarterly IPR contains information on interim quality measure performance based on the 12 most recent months of data available and includes:

  • A quarterly update on the HHA’s interim Total Performance Score (TPS)
  • Percentile rankings reflecting HHA performance relative to other HHAs in the cohort
  • TNC Change Reference tab to identify HHA performance on the 9 individual OASIS items included in the two TNC Change measures
  • Scorecard tab to identify how each individual measure contributes to the HHA’s TPS

The April 2024 IPR includes data from the following time periods for the 12 applicable measures in the expanded HHVBP Model measure set:

Performance Report

OASIS-based (5) quality measures

Claims-based (2) and HHCAHPS Survey-based (5) quality measures

April 2024 IPR

1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023

10/1/2022 – 9/30/2023

As a reminder the data on your IPR will likely not match data found on other QRP reports available in iQIES. Differences in the QRP reports and the HHVBP reports may be a result of different data collection period ranges used in reports as well as risk adjustment. Additionally, because the April IPR is Model specific it will:

  • Use performance in the applicable measures identified in the Model measure set to calculate the HHA’s TPS (interim in the IPR).
  • Provide a peer-ranking when compared to other competing HHAs within the same volume-based cohort
  • Inform the HHA of the percentage of quality episodes in which there was no change, positive change, or negative change for each of the nine OASIS items used in the two TNC Change measures

Do you have questions about your April 2024 IPR?

Questions related to the HHVBP Expanded Model including Model calculations, your April 2024 IPR and other Model reports, as well as available Model resources can be sent to HHVBPquestions@cms.hhs.gov.


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