About the COS-C Exam
OASIS Certification through the Certificate for OASIS Specialist-Clinical (COS-C) Exam
The Certificate for OASIS Specialist-Clinical (COS-C) exam is the premier test to show your knowledge of CMS’ OASIS guidelines. It demonstrates your expertise and commitment to OASIS data accuracy.
The COS-C exam is a voluntary certificate exam for home healthcare providers. It is nationally standardized and psychometrically validated.
This exam is recommended for Home Health Nurses, Therapists, and other home health professionals who conduct comprehensive assessments, score OASIS items, audit clinical records, or educate and orient staff.
The COS-C exam covers:
- OASIS regulations
- Data collection time points
- Patient populations
- Data collection conventions
- OASIS data set item-by-item guidance
Celebrating 20 Years of Promoting Accuracy
The COS-C exam was developed and administered by the OASIS Certificate & Competency Board (OCCB). Exam administrators go to great lengths to ensure that the exam accurately reflects the most current CMS guidance. The exam is administered following established protocols intended to protect the integrity of the COS-C designation. Since its inception in 2004, more than 30,000 candidates have participated in the exam process.
How to Take the COS-C Exam
COS-C Exam Testing Options
There are two ways to take the COS-C exam:
- Paper and Pencil Exam: Take the exam following any of our Blueprint workshops and save.
- Computer-Based Test: Schedule an exam at a testing location near you and get instant results.
Renewal Discounts
Current COS-Cs can get a $50 discount on renewal exams. To get your discount, select the “Renewal” exam type at checkout.
COS-C Exam Details
- Who can take the COS-C exam?
The exam is open to all participants. There are no prerequisites other than a desire to demonstrate your knowledge of CMS data collection guidance and commitment to OASIS data accuracy. Suggested professions: Home Health Nurses, Therapists, or other home healthcare professionals responsible for conducting comprehensive assessments, coding OASIS items, auditing clinical records, or educating and orienting staff.
- How long does the COS-C exam take?
2.5 hours, 100 multiple-choice questions. Exam results are reported as Pass or Fail. At exam check-in, candidates must present two forms of Identification, one of which must be a valid government-issued ID.
- What's on the COS-C exam?
The COS-C exam covers CMS rules and instructions on the OASIS time points, regulations, patient populations and OASIS item-specific coding. The exam is open-book; candidates are allowed to bring ANY paper-based OASIS reference materials into the examination. These materials can include, but are not limited to: CMS Core OASIS Documents, OASIS Guidance Manual, CMS OASIS Q&As, the Blueprint for OASIS Accuracy handout, and an Instant OASIS Answers book.
- How much does OASIS certification cost?
P&P exams cost $250 for initial testing and $200 for renewal testing. If it has been more than three years since your last exam, your COS-C designation has lapsed and you will need to pay the initial testing rate.
These exams are sponsored by OASIS Answers, Inc., State Home Care Associations and private home health agencies. As a result, P&P exams cost less than Computer-Based Testing.

The Psychometric Review Process
The COS-C exam is regularly reviewed, analyzed, and updated to ensure that all test items are a reliable and appropriate representation of CMS’ rules. The exam items are developed by the COS-C Exam Review Committee, a group of OASIS content experts of varied home health backgrounds and disciplines. The Committee creates these items to reflect the knowledge and skills needed for competent OASIS data collection.
The test undergoes a holistic review by a psychometrician and the Committee. It is checked for accuracy, significance, fairness, and conformity to test specifications.
A rigorous item analysis adhering to psychometric industry standards detects any items with questionable performance. If there are any item ambiguities, the Committee makes adjustments before determining a passing score.
Learn more by reading Insights from the COS-C Exam Psychometrician on our blog.