Candidate Handbook

Certificate for OASIS Specialist-Clinical (COS-C) Exam
OASIS Answers offers two types of testing options for candidates to take the COS-C Exam:
The instructions and protocols for each are listed below.

Computer Based Test @ Testing Center

On the Day of the Examination

Report to the Test Center at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.


You must have Two Forms of Identification to present at the Test Center Check-in. Failure to provide appropriate identification at the time of the examination is considered a missed appointment and there will be no refund of your examination fee.

  1. At least one Government issued ID required. Acceptable forms of identification include: Driver’s License, State identity card (non-driver license), Passport, Passport card, Military ID, Green Card, Alien registration, Permanent resident card, or National identification card. This ID must be current or unexpired and contain a photo and signature.
  2. The second form of identification must display your name and signature for signature verification. Employment or Student ID card, Social Security card or credit card are acceptable as secondary form of identification if they include your current name and signature.

Exam is open book & open notes: Candidates are allowed to bring ANY paper-based OASIS reference materials into the examination, including, but not limited to CMS Core OASIS Documents, OASIS Guidance Manual, CMS OASIS Q&A’s, the Blueprint for OASIS Accuracy handout and an INSTANT OASIS Answers book. Reference materials may include handwritten notes, loose notes, tabs and flags as page markers.

  • You will be provided with a pencil and one piece of scratch paper to use during the examination. You must return the scratch paper to the supervisor at the completion of testing.
  • No notes of any kind made during the exam may be removed from the Test Center.
  • No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the examination.
  • Eating, drinking or smoking will not be permitted in the Test Center.
  • You may take a restroom break as needed, but you will not be allowed additional time to make up for time lost during breaks.
  • No personal items, valuables or weapons should be brought to the Test Center. Only wallets and keys are permitted. You will be provided a soft locker to store your wallet and/or keys with you in the testing room.
  • No cameras, tape recorders, pagers or cellular/smart phones are allowed in the testing room.
  • Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the testing center or surrounding common areas.
  • No conversing or any other form of communication among candidates is permitted once you enter the examination area.

Prior to attempting the examination, you will be given the opportunity to practice taking a short practice examination on the computer. The time you use for this practice examination is NOT counted as part of your examination time or score.

Paper and Pencil Test @ Workshop Location

On the Day of the Examination

Plan to arrive at the exam location no later than 30 minutes prior to the exam start time. You must be checked in and seated for exam instructions 15 minutes before the exam start time.


You must haveᅠTwo Forms of Identificationᅠto present to the Proctor at time of Check-in. Failure to provide appropriate identification at the time of the examination is considered a missed appointment and there will be no refund of your examination fee.

  1. At least one Government issued ID required.ᅠAcceptable forms of identification include: Driver’s License,ᅠState identity card (non-driver license),ᅠPassport, Passport card, Military ID, Green Card, Alien registration, Permanent resident card, orᅠNational identification card. This ID must be current or unexpired and contain a photo and signature.
  2. The second form of identification must display your name and signature for signature verification. Employment or Student ID card, Social Security card or credit card are acceptable as secondary form of identification if they include your current name and signature.

Exam is open book & open notes: Candidates are allowed to bring ANY paper-based OASIS reference materials into the examination, including, but not limited to CMS Core OASIS Documents, OASIS Guidance Manual, CMS OASIS Q&A’s, the Blueprint for OASIS Accuracy handout and an INSTANT OASIS Answers book. Reference materials may include handwritten notes, loose notes, tabs and flags as page markers.

  • You will be provided with all the materials needed to take the test.
  • You are not allowed to write or make any notes in your reference materials.
  • No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the examination.
  • Beverages are permitted in the testing environment at your own risk. No additional time is given to clean up a spill. 
  • You may take a restroom break as needed, but you will not be allowed additional time to make up for time lost during breaks.
  • You cannot use any electronic device during the exam. Cellular/Smart phones must be turned off and may not be accessible during the exam.
  • Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the exam room.
  • No conversing or any other form of communication among candidates is permitted during exam duration.
  • You must comply with Proctor Instructions and conduct yourself in a professional and courteous manner.