COS-C Exam Passing Rate Released for 2022!

The Certificate for OASIS Specialist-Clinical (COS-C) exam is the premier, nationally standardized, psychometrically validated test that evaluates an individual’s knowledge of CMS’ OASIS guidelines.

The exam pass rate for 2022 was 77%, that is, 77 out of every 100 candidates achieved a passing score on the exam in CY 2022.

This pass rate has remained relatively constant since the inception of the exam in 2004, reflecting stability of this very popular certificate exam.  Since its inception almost 30,000 individual exam administrations have been offered in live group settings, or at proctored computer-based testing sites.  Successful candidates are awarded the COS-C certificate, which is valid for three years. Renewal occurs via retesting.

If a COS-C does not sit for the COS-C exam by the end of three years after the date of their last successful examination, they are no longer considered a COS-C in good standing and must discontinue using the COS-C designation until such time as successful renewal testing occurs. Individuals, employers, or clients can check to confirm a person’s current COS-C standing at the COS-C Listing Search on the OASIS Answers, Inc website.

To learn more about the exam or to register to test, visit the OASIS Answers, Inc. website.

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