The HHVBP Model: What to Expect in the Second Half of 2024

by Elaine Gardner, MS, RN, COS-C, CPHQ, CHPN

Accessing Your HHA’s HHVBP Model Reports and Tracking Your HHA’s Performance and Payment Adjustment

Data specific to your home health agency’s (HHA’s) performance in the HHVBP Model are available in iQIES to review, track, and use in refining your HHA’s quality improvement efforts!

Expanded HHVBP Model quarterly Interim Performance Reports (IPRS) are available in the “HHA Provider Preview Reports” folder, by the CMS Certification number (CCN) assigned to the HHA.

During the second half of 2024, the quarterly IPRs will be available in July and October, and the first Annual Performance Report (APR) will be available in August. This first APR will include an HHA’s calendar year (CY) 2025 HHVBP Model adjusted payment percentage (APP) based on performance during (CY) 2023. Criteria must be met for HHAs to receive these reports:

  • Your HHA will receive a Preliminary IPR in July and October 2024 if the HHA was Medicare-certified prior to January 1, 2023, and meets the minimum threshold of data for at least one (1) quality measure for the reporting period.
  • Your HHA will receive a Preview APR in August 2024 for the calendar year (CY) 2023 performance year if the HHA was Medicare-certified prior to January 1, 2022, and has sufficient data to allow calculation of at least five (5) of the 12 applicable measures in the expanded Model measure set in the baseline year and performance year.
  • The following is the minimum threshold of data an HHA must have for each applicable measure to receive a measure score:
    • For OASIS-based measures, 20 home health quality episodes per reporting period
    • For claims-based measures, 20 home health stays per reporting period
    • For the HHCAHPS Survey-based measures, 40 completed surveys per reporting period

The report schedule is shown in the Expanded HHVBP Model Reports for CY 2024 Performance Year by Measure Category and Data Period table below:

CY 2024 Reports Measure Category and Data Periods 
OASIS-based Measures Claims-based and HHCAHPS Survey-0based Measures 
January 2024 IPR 10/01/2022 – 09/30/2023 07/01/2022 – 06/30/2023 
April 2024 IPR 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 10/01/2022 – 09/30/2023 
July 2024 IPR 04/01/2023 – 03/31/2024 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 
CY 2024 APR (August 2024) 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023 
October 2024 IPR 07/01/2023 – 06/30/2024 04/01/2023 – 03/31/2024 

Of note, the July 2024 IPR also includes the much anticipated:

  • CY 2023 benchmarks and achievement thresholds for the CY 2025 applicable measure set
  • An HHA’s updated cohort assignment, based on the number of HHCAHPS survey-eligible patients in CY 2023

Understanding Public Reporting for the HHVBP Model

Following the Final CY 2024 APR being made available to each HHA, CMS is planning to publicly report on or after December 1, 2024 on a CMS website the performance data for the expanded HHVBP Model, beginning with the CY 2023 performance year/CY 2025 payment adjustment information.

Public reports will include the applicable measure benchmarks and achievement thresholds for the smaller- and larger-volume cohorts, and for each HHA that qualified for a payment adjustment: applicable measure results and improvement thresholds, the Total Performance Score (TPS), the TPS percentile ranking, and APP for the given year.

Attending the Webinar August 13, 2024:

HHVBP CY 2024 Annual Performance Report (APR) What You Need to Know!

This webinar is being offered to educate HHA providers about the first APR, including how to interpret the APR, the appeals process, the CY 2023 performance, and the corresponding APP in CY 2025. To receive an email notification when registration opens, and emails for future training resources or events, register to be added to the Notification List.


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