How to Prepare for the OASIS Certification Exam

Make 2025 the year to be a COS-C! Preparing to take the Certificate for OASIS Specialist-Clinical (COS-C) Exam may seem like a daunting task, but don’t worry! We have a few suggestions to help you get ready.

Here are a few ways to prep for the COS-C exam:

  1. Register for a Blueprint for OASIS Accuracy Workshop: This course is designed to provide comprehensive training in OASIS coding to get you up to date on the latest OASIS data collection rules and instructions. The 2-day, in-person workshop is delivered by national OASIS experts who help to simplify the complex by illustrating concepts, answering questions, and guiding attendees through multiple application scenarios and a mock exam. Select from one of our locations nationwide.
  2. Take the COS-C Exam Cram: This recorded, two-part webinar includes interactive test questions and is organized to mimic the breakdown of the COS-C Exam. Participants can work through the practice test at their own rate and can download an Exam Cram Workbook for reference during the session and exam. All domains of the exam will be represented in the Exam Cram mock exam questions and training.
  3. Get the INSTANT OASIS Answers Book: The book contains the official Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidance in a user-friendly format and is organized with item-use icons and color-coded sections. The INSTANT book can be used as a reference during the open-book COS-C exam.
  4. Review our FREE COS-C Exam Prep Guide: Find general information about the COS-C exam so you know what to expect, and review descriptions and sample questions on each of the domains. Find a brief overview of domains including Administrative & Patient Tracking Items, Functional Ability and Goals Domain, and more.

Take advantage of one or more of these valuable options to support your COS-C Exam prep. Save $50 when you register to take the paper-and-pencil exam directly following any of our Blueprint workshops, or schedule to test at one of 300 computer-based testing locations around the country.

Good luck with your test. Your preparation will pay off!

More information on the COS-C Exam:

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